headers info

Domain name: pravda dot ru

HTTP headers

HTTP headers allow the client and the server to pass additional information with the request or the response. A request header consists of its case-insensitive name followed by a colon ':', then by its value (without line breaks). Leading white space before the value is ignored.

Name Value
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server nginx
Date Thu, 28 Sep 2017 03:27:50 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection close
Vary Accept-Encoding
Vary Accept-Encoding

HTML <head>

The <head> element is a container for metadata (data about data) and is placed between the <html> tag and the <body> tag.

HTML metadata is data about the HTML document. Metadata is not displayed.

Metadata typically define the document title, character set, styles, links, scripts, and other meta information.

The following tags describe metadata: <title>, <style>, <meta>, <link>, <script>, and <base>.


Title contains 5 words. 56 bytes.

<meta> description

Meta description contains 29 words. 411 bytes.

<meta> keywords

Meta keywords contains 7 keywords. 115 bytes.

<meta> other (22 records found)

Name Value
Meta #1
charset utf-8
Meta #2
equiv X-UA-Compatible
content IE=edge
Meta #3
name msvalidate.01
content 13A7C501677A3DFC5E4A9747C802BFD9
Meta #4
name verify-v1
content wFXlfD8ory0rg75F2j4lTejg4irxSLwX500ilHKJwlY=
Meta #5
name yandex-verification
content 7367d7d828b17c1c
Meta #6
name y_key
content 0594f1f446fc2d3d
Meta #7
name alexaVerifyID
content P28i-ikndV5b9LdIblMrN2vcj7I
Meta #8
name google-site-verification
content googled52d3af475e970bc
Meta #9
name viewport
content width=device-width, initial-scale=1
Meta #10
name theme-color
content #0a305a
Meta #11
name twitter:site
content @PravdaRu
Meta #12
name twitter:creator
content @PravdaRu
Meta #13
name title
content Новости и аналитика - Правда.Ру
Meta #14
name twitter:title
content Новости и аналитика - Правда.Ру
Meta #15
name twitter:description
content Новости, репортажи, фотогалереи, аналитика, видео на старейшем новостном ресурсе России. Также мы приглашаем участвовать в прямых эфирах с ведущими аналитиками и политологами: в онлайн обсуждаем последние новости и события.
Meta #16
property fb:app_id
content 218074068257314
Meta #17
property og:site_name
content Правда.Ру
Meta #18
property fb:pages
content 281689019091
Meta #19
property og:title
content Новости и аналитика - Правда.Ру
Meta #20
property og:description
content Новости, репортажи, фотогалереи, аналитика, видео на старейшем новостном ресурсе России. Также мы приглашаем участвовать в прямых эфирах с ведущими аналитиками и политологами: в онлайн обсуждаем последние новости и события.
Meta #21
property og:type
content website
Meta #22
property aio_appid
content AIO_57EE266FCC8FF


<head> section doesn't contain any styles.

<link> (9 records found)



<head> contains 3 internal script sections. Total size: 1202 bytes.


Name Value
Script #1
type text/javascript
src https://yastatic.net/share/share.js
charset utf-8
Script #2
src https://www.pravdaru/js/main.js?t=4
Script #3
src https://www.pravdaru/js/custom.js?t=3
Script #4
src https://www.pravdaru/js/async_af.js
Script #5
async async
src https://www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js


<head> section doesn't contain a base section.


Processing yahoo.com

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Error message
