headers info

Domain name: twitchy dot com

HTTP headers

HTTP headers allow the client and the server to pass additional information with the request or the response. A request header consists of its case-insensitive name followed by a colon ':', then by its value (without line breaks). Leading white space before the value is ignored.

Name Value
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date Thu, 28 Sep 2017 03:20:10 GMT
Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Set-Cookie __cfduid=d629dd329d469440a120305cd6b0d918d1506568810; expires=Fri, 28-Sep-18 03:20:10 GMT; path=/; domain=.twitchycom; HttpOnly
Link com/wp-json/>; rel="https://api.w.org/"
Fastcgi-Cache MISS
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key 0httpstwitchycomGET/
Expires Thu, 28 Sep 2017 03:21:10 GMT
Cache-Control public, max-age=60
CF-Cache-Status HIT
Server cloudflare-nginx
CF-RAY 3a5390b999a96433-FRA

HTML <head>

The <head> element is a container for metadata (data about data) and is placed between the <html> tag and the <body> tag.

HTML metadata is data about the HTML document. Metadata is not displayed.

Metadata typically define the document title, character set, styles, links, scripts, and other meta information.

The following tags describe metadata: <title>, <style>, <meta>, <link>, <script>, and <base>.


Title contains 6 words. 33 bytes.

<meta> description

Meta description contains 3 words. 13 bytes.

<meta> keywords

Meta keywords are missing.

<meta> other (36 records found)

Name Value
Meta #1
charset utf-8
Meta #2
equiv X-UA-Compatible
content IE=edge
Meta #3
name viewport
content width=device-width, initial-scale=1
Meta #4
name title
content twitchycom - Who Said What
Meta #5
property og:locale
content en_US
Meta #6
property og:type
content website
Meta #7
property og:title
content twitchycom - Who Said What
Meta #8
property og:description
content Who Said What
Meta #9
property og:url
content https://twitchycom
Meta #10
property og:site_name
content twitchycom
Meta #11
name twitter:card
content summary_large_image
Meta #12
name twitter:description
content Who Said What
Meta #13
name twitter:title
content twitchycom - Who Said What
Meta #14
name twitter:domain
content twitchycom
Meta #15
name generator
content WordPress 4.8
Meta #16
name msapplication-square70x70logo
content https://twitchycom/wp-content/themes/twitchy2016/images/favicon/smalltile.png
Meta #17
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Meta #18
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content https://twitchycom/wp-content/themes/twitchy2016/images/favicon/widetile.png
Meta #19
name msapplication-square310x310logo
content https://twitchycom/wp-content/themes/twitchy2016/images/favicon/largetile.png
Meta #20
property fb:pages
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Meta #21
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Meta #22
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Meta #23
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Meta #25
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Meta #26
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Meta #27
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Meta #28
property fb:pages
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Meta #29
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Meta #30
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Meta #34
property fb:pages
content 492802317512753
Meta #35
property fb:pages
content 140705212665688
Meta #36
property fb:pages
content 116757565026850


<head> contains 1 <style> sections. Total size: 25 bytes.

<link> (40 records found)



<head> contains 5 internal script sections. Total size: 19505 bytes.


Name Value
Script #1
src https://p.adrta.com/js/tht/b9ff301f-e96b-49a0-8029-9c0447d239b8/p.js?ef=1¶ms=tht
Script #2
src https://twitchycom/wp-content/themes/twitchy2016/js/prebid-0.25-m.js
Script #3
type text/javascript
src https://twitchycom/wordpress/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.12.4
Script #4
type text/javascript
src https://twitchycom/wordpress/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1
Script #5
type text/javascript
src https://twitchycom/wp-content/themes/twitchy2016/js/inview/jquery.inview.min.js?ver=4.8
Script #6
type text/javascript
src https://twitchycom/wp-content/plugins/TH-carousel/owl.carousel.2.0.0-beta.3/owl.carousel.min.js?ver=4.8


<head> section doesn't contain a base section.


Processing yahoo.com

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Error message
