HTTP headers allow the client and the server to pass additional information with the request or the response. A request header consists of its case-insensitive name followed by a colon ':', then by its value (without line breaks). Leading white space before the value is ignored.
<head> section doesn't contain any styles.
Name | Value |
Link #1 | |
rel | icon |
type | image/png |
href | https://infoxsg/static/fav.png |
Link #2 | |
rel | canonical |
href | http://www.infoxsg/politics/ |
Link #3 | |
rel | stylesheet |
type | text/css |
href | https://infoxsg/static/css17.css?c3 |
Link #4 | |
rel | stylesheet |
type | text/css |
href | https://infoxsg/static/re17.css?c3 |
Link #5 | |
rel | stylesheet |
type | text/css |
href | https://infoxsg/static/mq17.css?c3 |
Link #6 | |
rel | stylesheet |
href | https://infoxsg/static/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom/css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.css |
Link #7 | |
rel | stylesheet |
type | text/css |
href | https://infoxsg/static/jquery/Zebra_Datepicker-master/Zebra_Datepicker-master/public/css/default.css |
Link #8 | |
rel | stylesheet |
href | https://infoxsg/static/validator/css/validationEngine.jquery.css |
type | text/css |
Link #9 | |
rel | manifest |
href | /manifest.json?d2 |
Link #10 | |
href |,300,400,700&subset=cyrillic |
rel | stylesheet |
<head> contains 4 internal script sections. Total size: 2427 bytes.
Name | Value |
Script #1 | |
src | https://infoxsg/static/DetectYv2.js?19 |
type | text/javascript |
Script #2 | |
src | https://infoxsg/static/Cookie-match.js?19 |
type | text/javascript |
Script #3 | |
src | https://infoxsg/static/jquery180.min.js |
type | text/javascript |
Script #4 | |
src | https://infoxsg/static/url.min.js |
type | text/javascript |
charset | utf-8 |
Script #5 | |
type | text/javascript |
src | https://infoxsg/static/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom/js/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js |
Script #6 | |
src | |
Script #7 | |
src | https://infoxsg/static/adfox.asyn.code.ver3.js |
type | text/javascript |
Script #8 | |
src | https://infoxsg/static/adfox.asyn.code.scroll.js |
type | text/javascript |
Script #9 | |
src | https://infoxsg/static/jquery/Zebra_Datepicker-master/Zebra_Datepicker-master/public/javascript/zebra_datepicker.src.js |
type | text/javascript |
Script #10 | |
src | https://infoxsg/static/js17.js?v112 |
type | text/javascript |
Script #11 | |
src | https://infoxsg/static/head.min.js |
type | text/javascript |
Script #12 | |
src | https://infoxsg/static/jquery.cookie.js |
type | text/javascript |
Script #13 | |
src | https://infoxsg/static/validator/js/jquery.validationEngine.js |
type | text/javascript |
charset | utf-8 |
Script #14 | |
src | https://infoxsg/static/validator/js/languages/jquery.validationEngine-ru.js |
type | text/javascript |
charset | utf-8 |
Script #15 | |
src | https://infoxsg/static/pushwoosh-web-notifications.js |
Script #16 | |
type | text/javascript |
src | // |
Script #17 | |
src | https://infoxsg/static/adriver.core.2.min.js |
Script #18 | |
src | // |
<head> section doesn't contain a base section.